
Sunday, August 21, 2016

謝謝你 教會我什麼叫堅持

林李時代已去 大勢已不再 人生還是得走下去。

不想 不願 也不服,可是又能怎樣。我們常說,往正面思考,這是哪個笨蛋發明自我安慰的心理?!哇靠,不開心不就不開心,什麼正能量、安慰的狗屁話就免了⋯⋯正視自己的負面情緒,然後適時的宣洩,罵一罵髒話,其實蠻爽的。對不起,離題⋯⋯




Sunday, March 20, 2016

Failure hits me Gao Gao

Well another time of ielts again. And again it sucks!!!! It was my third time and I don't feel alright. I'm sick of taking this stupid IELTs. It's the first time I felt so defeated and indeed lack of motivation to move on. I was once reckoned as a fantastic linguistic person. Language is always my strength. But why come to today, it is my killing factor for not getting my license. I feel so hopeless yet helpless. I know the only way is to keep taking till I pass but my heart is so weak. I hate failure. I hate English demolished me!!😫😫😫 my mom my sis my bf my friends all thought that I can pass easily but it turned out to be not. What happened??? What happened to me? What happened to this little lucky girl? What happened to this little undefeated cockcroach that has strong will and perseverance? I can't think of any reason or excuse. I'm just tired. If I'm not able to go through this, what to mention about studying overseas or further my study in UK or Australia? Who am I? Where should I suppose to be? Or maybe I don't belong to here? A lot of questions and negativity running in my mind. I'm frail I'm weak I'm stupid I'm just a normal silly girl that know nothing. I'm no longer an awesome talented girl that I knew before.

I need to reorganize my thoughts. Shut down and start over again. It's easier to say than do. I'm always paying lip service on my own life. But I ought to do something about it. Something to create a better me. A new me. A different me.

* I am still praying hard and waiting for a miracle to happen... 😪😯😯

Monday, February 22, 2016



刚刚才从ahbi sepang的家回到新加坡的窝,这个男人慢慢开始让我觉得越来越踏实。咳嗽都快咳出肺来晚上都没睡好下午还要带我到处乱晃的他,累得像条死鱼的他,还是信守他的承诺,陪我搭巴士回家。我口里猛说不,但心里甜到漏了。他妈的坚持让我第一次觉得他帅呆了。


因为他,我喜怒无常,EQ 要重修。
