
Thursday, December 8, 2011

better and better..:)

To my astonishment, I had been arranged to help in Orthopedics unit today. I was reluctant but I had to face with my phobia. I knew I could escape myself from my fear. Early in the morning I was busy handling with different patients with different conditions. I even did mistakes when measuring ROM in thumb abduction. It was embarrassing when I was being questioned by the therapist. The first patient that I did monofilament test on him was a general worker in Ministry of State in Johor. He had retired now and moved to Klang. He complained of pain and numbness on both arms causing the test had to be halted for many times to let him rest awhile before continuing. I began to be impatient when patient failed to feel the monofilament. I was annoyed by the distraction of the television but the therapist did not even bother about the disruptions. After lunch there were still many patients in orthopedics unit. I chatted with many patients and did what the therapists told me to do. I handled CTS, and fractures cases. One of the patients is a marketing manager in a law firm. He was on leave till January. He had left distal end radius fracture and yet he is optimistic and always thinks of the good side. I ended today session after all patients had done with TENS, hand helper and theraputty exercise.

What gave me a vivid impression was a patient who was a dental surgeon before retiring. She worked for government hospital for more than 10 years then changed the environment to work in a private hospital. She dedicated her life into dental field for decades and she felt contented with her life. She struggled before as dentistry was her mother’s ambition not hers. She wanted to be a journalist photographer, she likes travelling and photographing. However different kinds of patients drew her to continue in her field for so many years. She enjoyed interacting and communicating with patients of different background, religion, and races. There were a lot of stories that might give her some lessons. Before she left, she emphasized to us that passion is very important to keep one moving further in one’s field or career. If work for salary, one’s life must be miserable and meaningless. I strongly agreed with her and I really think that enthusiasm is the key to success and keep your competency in your field. Without passion we will work like a robot, emotionless and heartless. I started to feel lost whenever I was told to do this and that. I started to think did all these we give fulfilling what the patients indeed wanted for? Were we too robotic? Were we too rigid? Did the practical students too obey to their instructions? Did we really perform our roles as a good therapist? I was thinking all the time but I had no answers and I dared not to deepen the problems. Where is the true passion? For me a true and reliable therapist is the one who cares not just physically but mentally and psychologically. I want to be the one but it is still a long journey to discover the way and time is needed to mould me into a “true” and truthful therapist.
Experience is another key for me to sharpen my skills. This posting was a chance for me to make mistakes and accumulate my results in order to become stronger and tougher. Knowledge is the power to stand still confidently. The reason I was always in low self-esteem was that I cannot convince others with my knowledge. I have a lot of uncertainties to clarify. I really need to be determined and have strong will to toughen my foundation of knowledge. I really want to be the good one to treat my patient. I do not want to be a robot merely.

I saw this in some website, feel strongly to quote down to remind myself: WHAT is it that's hard to break??? Diamond? Nope. The answer is:

If you break the H, you still have A BIT.
If you break the A, you still have BIT.
If you break the B, you still have IT!
Hey, after you break the T in IT, there is still the 'I'.

And that (I) is the root cause of all the problems.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hell chamber?!~

here come to the end of a week after consecutive five days with non-stop reports and reflective writing that made me tired and nearly worn out. I need some fresh air. Hate the feeling of stressed and breathless being in a unit that surrounded by unskilled but cocky therapists. I need to teach what is HUMBLE about. I can hardly understand why they were being so unfriendly to degree students. is it because they were graduated from diploma causing hormone imbalance? or just simply had some prejudice on students? arghh...whatever...

Luckily i just need to face them for 3 more weeks. i hope time flies. i really hate to be here.is like a battlefield everytime i reach hospital. the atmosphere is killing me. or i was not born to be a therapist?haiz..i was defeated mentally. i need to rejuvenate myself before stepping into the hell chamber again. Jia you ah hsing!!!:))

Friday, October 14, 2011



前一晚不停赶health promotion 的proposal直到一点多才睡觉。一下子五点多就被闹钟叫醒=S。很累可是却兴致勃勃想去赴约了=)六点十五分正,我披着我黑色夹克耸立在guardhouse前充当了五分钟的guard,终于才等到我们亲爱的师兄带我和另一位同仁走到Mcd那搭巴士。哇,天未亮,人未醒,就这样朦朦胧胧中开始了十五分钟的步行,嘻嘻。也好,走路,我才会比较清醒。浩浩荡荡地,四人行出发了!其实我们四人都不认识更甭讲熟,于是就在早晨的各种动物制造的美妙声音陪伴下,到达文良港,再爬上巴士,找了位子,呼隆睡着了。

一路上摇摇晃晃,司机也在各个地方载了不同大专的同伴们。我半梦半醒中听了学长说关于麻风病麻风病村落的一些点滴,要我们做好心理准备去面对这些老人家,因为他们的外形可能有些不太一样。其实前一个晚上,我已经偷偷搜索关于麻风病的一些基本资料。我拍胸口保证自己可以面对!因为职能治疗师将来也会接触同样的病人。我不能退缩也不能害怕,所以勇敢就是我的选择!九点多,终于来到了双溪毛孺sungai buloh leprocy centre.巴士司机一驶入村子里时,满满的花圃映入眼帘。学长说以前被关进这村子时村民们闲来没事就种花也就种出心得。也许心境漂亮,种出来的花朵自然美丽。看着这些花,就想起槟城的妈咪。妈咪也超爱种花的,让她看到这些花,她一定会跟每家的主人要种子吧!哈哈。话说回头,在静思堂里集合分组后,我意外的派到发放物资的那一组,必须沿家挨户地派发我们的爱心。虽然阳光很猛烈,可事情却没有浇熄我们那阳光般的爱心和热心。=) 我们带着真诚的心出发了。我们一行人来自不同大专不同年龄,却有着共同的目标,共同的理念,就是要帮助这群老人。





Saturday, September 24, 2011



Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Thursday, May 12, 2011

the lazy song~

today i dont feel like doing anything..
suddenly think of him and again uncontrollably click into his page..
how can i resist?i try not to think i try to escape but my mind kept spinning all about him..i guess i am too free.my brain has too many capacities to load all those nonsense things.i have to put myself in a busy mode in order to forget and keep me away from silly thinking..i have a lot of things to pursue and i am too unproductive..unproductive to the family,society and even to myself..i cant be like that for the rest of my life..i need to achieve something..at least something that can make me die without regrets.i need to be proactive and passionate.maybe tomorrow is the end of the world..who knows..:'(i should let go the the trivial things and do something else that are more important.

jia you!!i cant be lazy anymore..i went for glass exhibition yesterday and Salvador Dali's melting clock told me that time elapsed and cant come back to me..can i aware of this?wake up!!!

these two quotes i found them meaningful.Dali words will become my motivation to keep on moving.
hope for a brand new day..:)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pipit Wonderful Market 6^^

i love today..it is a happy day with all DIY things around me:D..
satisfied with all the goods i bought!so excited to start sewing after purchasing from pupurin fabric collector..

i <3 today and i do enjoy my day..big thanks to Pipit made my day!!XD
p/s: so happy to meet with my junior prefects there:) they are great and amazing!!established their own business network and i think it is a success!:Dcongrats!

Monday, April 25, 2011





Wednesday, March 9, 2011

aww..big JOKE to him, big EMBARRASSMENT to me..:(

Today i have orthopedics class with Mr Soh again..he is a prestigious hand therapist in Malaysia and currently the head of rehab unit in PPUM. we are such lucky and proud to have him as our lecturer for this subject. but i have screwed it!!!!stupid me had made a BIG mistake when partner with my coursemate doing extensor tendon injury splint.It's been hours from now but i can still feel the embarrassment!!

Our condition is ECRL and ECRB tendon cut injury.It should be static splint protecting the wrist from flexion and keep it extension at 35 degrees but what we made was a Dynamic Splint that suit for EDC patient!!!!oh gosh!!why i never think of the function of ECRL and ECRB then straightway went to make a not-right splint!!!!im so annoyed..annoyed by myself and my partner as well..

The first question he asked, " what is the function of ECRL and ECRB???" i was stunned as i can feel that we had done a wrong splint!!!OMG..:( i answered, "extend the wrist" but ah ming doesnt realize that he answered extend MCP joint!!!oh my god it is totally incorrect!!it is nothing to do with phalanges but we did a splint at all fingers for passive extension!!why am i doing such a stupid mistake!!??i cant forgive myself till now!why didnt i realize that there is nothing concern with the fingers!!GERAMNYA!! the moment being judged in front of all my coursemates is torturing and i felt like being insulted!:X mr soh even blamed us for not studying the fundamental theory..i felt innocent..i can answer the stupid question is just doing the incorrect splint:((

Yet mr soh is such a nice guy..he is so considerate. he kept on consoling us by "praising" us doing a right splint for others..it was a good and nice splint undoubtedly but not fulfill the condition..Damn it..but don't know im too sensitive or what i can feel him dislike me..blaming myself for not studying by heart and not having a strong and firm anatomy basic.. he emphasized that he ought to have a base of anatomical,physiological knowledge as the prerequisite to stand still in this field.Ya he is right but perhaps im not the right one to stand with him.

He ended the class by saying we are doing a big mistake and for him is a big joke..he stressed that he is not embarrassing us. made mistakes in the class is better than made mistakes in the future or being scolded by the patient or medical surgeon..i kept nodding the head but i felt like crying..mempersiasuikan my name and my ancestors..:(( i m lost and my confidence had dropped to zero..can i go further??i think is time for me to wake up to grow and to be serious..i know it is just a phase that i need to go through but it is hard for me..i cant accept i did this silly mistake with a blur blur coursemate..:(speechless..the problem is i had already left a bad impression for Mr Soh.how dare i go PPUM for posting????i need to polish well everything including skills and knowledge before the next meeting with such a powerful and influential lecturer..hope time can heal the "wound" that i had done today:(

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February is coming to an end...

burdened by lotss of assignments,i insisted going home to make myself a great escape:)
i found that i m not tat independent as i think..im so frail..im afraid of loneliness..im afraid of changes..im willing to stay in my own comfort zone..feel so bad..

after two years i only realized that i cant live without my lovely family..i damn love my sweet sweet home and i love PENANG!!!i need lOVe
 get in time to bai tian gong..bobi bobi:)

lotss of oblations..my mom never forget what to do as a tradisional woman. She is such a great lady:)

 While waiting, i captured my mom's ‘masterpiece'..haha..she put alots of endeavour in gardening..*like*

 another one..

 the greatest lady ever..love ya>.<

 the man i spent 20 years together..haha..

 got to spend time with my lil nephew..xoxo

is he complaining"y this lady hug me so tightly..uncomfartable..urghhhh"

 time to go for a movie with ladies and gentleman..teng teng teng teng..

a beautiful scene of my residential area..:)
beautiful days with my precious family..i really appreciate it..hope the moment like this wont vanish like this..
a marvelous few days 'trip' spent at hometown with marvelous family members..enjoyed my life to the fullest:)